How can an increased emphasis on Federal and State Government funding for start-up businesses that embrace emerging, scalable Carbon Capture and Sequestration technology help Wyoming and other States that are blessed with abundant Energy resources? Wyoming’s Governor Mark Gordon is a huge proponent of immediate and impactful action on Carbon Capture as evidenced in this March 2, 2021 press release by the AP.
At US Strategic Minerals Exploration, we applaud Governor Gordon and all leaders who share his vision and belief in the human potential to solve any problem using “the science.” He states quite succinctly the following:
“Today, I challenge you to join me in making Wyoming net negative in CO2 emissions,” he said. “Fossil energy makes that possible. We have to take the lead and not look back.”
We have heard in all forms of media how a “War on Coal” is one way to significantly reduce global CO2 emissions derived from electric power plants. One interesting solution proposed by the energy and power industries was to convert these coal-burning power plants to natural gas, given the availability of natural gas and the infrastructure necessary to deliver large natural gas volumes to these targeted coal-burning power plants. This solution quickly spawned a “War on Fossil Fuel,” since physical science tells us that CO2 is released when a carbon molecule is “burned” in an exothermic reaction to create the heat used to spin steam turbines and power the electric grid. So now what? Nuclear, geothermal, and hydropower can help support fossil fuel as a reliable baseload power source, and the technology is advanced and proven. These options are being scaled up in certain areas of the country, but they all must overcome significant hurdles to gain widespread acceptance by energy legislators and other stakeholder lobbyist groups.
Why do we feel the need to pick the winners and losers in the energy debate? Isn’t taking an “all of the above approach” the best way to let the science, along with human ingenuity, determine the most cost-effective, safe, and ESG-proactive outcome? Recently, it seems that politics and emotion demand and encourage a specific, pre-determined outcome in this debate. How can we respect these very real and legitimately passionate views, while using the innovative application of science to help maintain our high standard of living on a clean planet? While answers to that question seem obvious, they typically result in the opinionated debate from “experts” which include some of the wealthiest humans on the planet. Should the free market have a larger stake in determining the direction Governments take in addressing these highly visible Global energy concerns?
Given the importance placed on Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration technology by world governments and most of the world’s largest corporations, it would seem to be a good bet that we, as innovators and forward thinkers, can continue to overcome the world’s biggest challenges. At US Strategic Minerals Exploration, we have the drive and vision to make a significant statement in this new “War on Carbon Emissions.” If you believe in what we, and others before us, have proven to be the real “Science” regarding Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration, we’d encourage you to learn more about What We Do at US Strategic Minerals Exploration.
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